Frequency has yet to be determined. It will no longer be a monthly release (least not until we get more formatters). But we'll need to see how things go with the new addition of SM. We're likely be going to a quarterly release (3 months). Unlike before, we no longer have an amazing Seth in photoshop creating amazing pages for everything
Unfortunately, this is a learning experience for me (as I'm not great in photo editing/creating). Checks and balances are being added however, in order to help ensure a better experience.
As for the writing about eras, I do try to keep my staff writer's from biased articles (so if they won the era, it's a no go for me). I would use them for fact checking though. But I only ask that someone else write the article (as I said, to remove bias). You can only edit so much bias out before you have to ask someone to simply rewrite an article.
However, a Freelancer is allowed to write whatever they want. That is the point of freelancing. BUT, there is no guarantee that their article will be used.
The BR article was not meant to cover eras specifically, just to allow people to see some fun BR's that have occurred throughout the worlds. Unfortunately, we ran into issues with people writing the World Specific articles.
Thank you all for your input however. I have heard from many about this issue. There was some good and some bad no doubt! We will take all suggestions and improve as we move along. Unfortunately, there was no user-handbook for the Tribune
Everything was started over from scratch, but our goal has remained the same. Provide a better experience for our community.